Shot, robbed, broken leg … healed

There were many people touched and healed on our last outreach in Diepsloot — but I want to share with you what God did for one particular woman.

We were finishing up with a group of ladies who were just freed from their various pains in their bodies after prayer when a woman from across the road called to us … so we went.

She started explaining about her daughter’s eye problem — which we proceeded to pray for.  She then mentioned the night before her family was held up by a group of armed robbers who stole everything they owned and shot her husband who was currently in the hospital. At this she started weeping and we were able to comfort her — letting her know how much Jesus loves her.

We proceeded to declare life and healing in Jesus name to her leg.  The pain disappeared and she was able to walk around with no pain whatsoever.  We repeated to her how much Jesus loves her and cares about her — enough to heal her leg. She couldn’t believe she was walking around when she couldn’t just moments before.

At this tangible proof of God’s reality and love we could tell she was visibly moved and much more at peace — that God is real, He cares about her and loves her.

We meet so many people in Diepsloot who feel there is no hope for them. They feel trapped in their circumstances and just can’t believe things could ever get better. It’s a joy and thrill, every time, to see God birth hope and love in someones life — just like He did with this woman whom He loves.

There’s more posts and audio teachings I need to put up. Will try and make them available soon!