Paradigm Shift – Living His Love and Power (AUDIO)

We are not called to think, perceive, and process things as people normally do — with human limitations — for we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16).  We are called to live and experience a higher dimension; a dimension where God’s Word dictates reality — where the Kingdom of Heaven is the final authority — where what we see with the eyes and perceive with our senses is subjugated to the reality, will, and love of God in action — thus changing lives and situations.  Faith, love, and the power of God should be the air in which we breath, not an isolated occurrence.

“For if we are out of our mind, it is for God; if we have a sound mind, it is for you. 14 For Christ’s love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: If One died for all, then all died. 15 And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised. 16 From now on, then, we do not know anyone in a purely human way. Even if we have known Christ in a purely human way, yet now we no longer know Him in this way. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:13–17 HCSB)

Check out the audio below of the class I taught in Diepsloot on the subject.  The first file is the full audio, the second is an excerpt.