28 years ago we felt the Lord leading us (and we thus followed) in to full-time ministry.  As we’ve been investing our time and lives in helping others, it’s always been a life of faith and trust in God’s ability to supply — and He has always been faithful to do so — sometimes through unexpected means and sources.

We’ve experienced time and again how God is faithful to His promise that if we “above all pursue His kingdom and righteousness, all these things will be given as well.” (Matthew 6:33) We do not take for granted God’s supply as we know it’s directly linked to our “above all” pursuing “His Kingdom and righteousness”.  In other words, we wouldn’t expect His supply should we ever decide to seek our own plans and ease above God’s will.

We receive each gift not only with sincere gratitude, but a deep sense of accountability as well; accountability in front of God as well as the one who gave — that the gift may be used in a prayerful manner, for God’s glory.

We deeply cherish and appreciate each and every person who makes the sacrifice of giving to the mission the Lord has us engaged in — that of helping others enter in to and grow in a personal, vibrant relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  We realize the generosity and sacrificial giving of fellow believers helps us be able to invest our time in ministering to others, and as such, we are a team and will together experience the Heavenly results. (I Sam. 30:24)

Thank-you for your love and kindness and we know the Lord sees and will bless your generosity.  “‘I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for Me.’” (Matt. 25:40)

If you would like to help us continue our mission by making a contribution:

Banking details in South Africa:

First National Bank (South Africa)
Branch Code: 204809
Account type:  Current/Cheque
Account Name:  W. Gray
Account Number: 62131131667
Reference Details:  Your name

Paypal:  www.paypal.me/warrendgray

Thank-you so much and God bless you!

We’d love to hear from you!

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