
Igniting vision, sharing truth, and inspiring faith in 1000+ school children

Recently I’ve been meeting various people, pastors, and leaders in Diepsloot to see about organizing a place where people can come and learn more about how they can walk with God in faith and effectiveness. I constantly meet people who, after they experience Jesus’ healing touch and are introduced to Him, hunger for more and ask where they can meet and learn more. So I’m in the midst of asking God to lead and guide so we can open up such a place, whether that means building one from scratch, or holding meetings in an already established venue.

One pastor I was introduced to invited me to speak at a school with over 1,200 students. My son went with me (he loves being involved in such things) and I had the privilege to inspire these young hearts and minds with truth from God’s Word. A truth which inspires them with:

1) Vision for life. God created them for a purpose, and he knew them before they were born. There’s no impossibilities for them if they’ll only believe and begin to walk in what God has made available for them. In the midst of poverty and hardship, it’s easy to begin looking through a “nothing will ever change” set of glasses. God has provided not only hope, but Himself, to help them through and over any obstacles to accomplish wonderful things that impact the present and reverberate in eternity. We tend to look at the life of Jesus and think of all the wonderful things He did as being far removed from what we’ll ever do. Yet Jesus says, “The works that I do, you will do also — and greater works, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12) This is the message I shared with the children.

2) An eternal relationship. Vision is wonderful, but every solid building must be built upon a firm foundation if it hopes to stand strong. A “good” building built on a poor foundation can expect a very short lifespan. A relationship with God provides the firm foundation upon which life takes on meaning and purpose and finds its reach into the very realms of eternity. Jesus is our corner stone and sure foundation upon which all the colors of life begin to shine and radiate through us (manifesting in and through the practical things we do on a daily basis) as we begin to walk as sons and daughters of the one who Created all things. But it all begins with one step — the step of accepting the invitation from God in to a relationship with Himself. I led these children in a prayer to accept this invitation, and I trust that their lives will show the result of their decision.

Students find faith, hope, love, healing, and vision for life in Diepsloot

Kids in Diepsloot
A glimpse of life in Diepsloot

Had a great time a few days ago sharing with students at a school in Diepsloot.  I was involved in personally counseling the students as well as sharing with a classroom of about fifty students who all hopefully walked away with a larger vision of life, God, and what they could do to make an impact in their society.  

For those not aware, Diepsloot is home to about 250,000 people; many of them live in 3m-by-2m shacks assembled from scrap metal, wood, plastic and cardboard. Some families lack access to basic services such as running water, sewage and rubbish removal and find themselves living in the midst of violence and uncertainty.

Life for youngsters in Diepsloot is obviously not a bowl of cherries.  Some have endured things which others in more “sheltered” environments can only imagine.

It’s within this setting that I was able to participate in personal counseling and was able to share my experiences and ongoing life with God to a classroom full of hungry minds and hearts.  I encouraged the students to be all that God created them to be, first off by beginning a relationship with Him if they haven’t already.  All prayed and asked Jesus to be with them and to be filled with filled with God’s Spirit.

Happy students putting love in action after listening to the message.

Next I encouraged them that as God’s children, they can live a life as Jesus lived — one that impacts others with love, faith, and the power of God working through them in any situation.  This power was demonstrated on the spot when some came forward for prayer against various pains and ailments — and all experienced God’s healing touch.

I believe that a life connected to the very heart and life of God provides the hope, power, and vision for life these kids need to face and overcome the situations they find themselves confronted with on a daily basis.  I trust these sparks and flames of truth will burn even brighter in their lives as they step out to embrace and follow the God who will never leave nor forsake them — the God who is their hope, comforter, provider, counselor, and source of love and power.

Diepsloot students

Students in Diepsloot find faith, hope, love -- and the vision that they too can make a difference.

Challenging the students to think deep

Challenging High School students to change the World!

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I’ve been keeping very busy the last couple of weeks – speaking with students in various high school English classes. My goal is to get them thinking deeper about life, their goals and visions — as well as what they can do to make a positive impact on the world and society in general (and of course to get them to improve their English in the process. :)

In the class we try to get to the bottom of human behavior and what it means to truly live a “great” life. [singlepic id=185 w=320 h=240 float=right]Inevitably they, of themselves, begin to identify certain qualities such as love, unselfishness, belief, and having a vision to help others — as common denominators for greatness.

It’s very rewarding for me to see some lights turning on in minds and hearts where previously, in many cases, there wasn’t much happening between the synaptical connections :)

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Those who are interested I also invite to a free English conversation course so we can continue the discussion. Topics of life, changing the world, and faith pop up and make for deeper discussion.

As a result of these presentations for the students I was asked to speak during a teacher trainer seminar for teachers all over Warsaw which will take place in June … another opportunity to change the world :)

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