Outreach related thoughts, experiences and articles.

Website Change Underway

We’re currently in the process of creating a new website. Please bear with us during the transition as posts will not be updated for the time being. :). (Update:  Please visit www.lifemission.org.za)

Grandmother healed from pain in her bones (VIDEO)

Painful skin eating disease – set free

Photos:  1) Today’s outreach team in Diepsloot.  2) Man in the middle (a bit skinny) was in bed racked with pain from a disease (which he had for five years) which was eating his flesh, causing splotches on his skin, and much pain — rendering him weak, unable to do even basic things. After prayer, he was up, doing what he couldn’t do before, and free of pain.

If you’d like to join our outreach teams in Diepsloot or learn more, just get in touch

Blurry vision and painful feet healed (VIDEO)

This woman in Diepsloot had a stroke and was left with blurry vision and painful feet. Trips to the hospital and many injections later she was still the same.

Then, doctor Jesus came along and set her free — instantly after prayer! Here’s her testimony in this video clip.

Grandmother set free from painful sores (VIDEO)

This grandmother’s daughter died and she was left to care for three small children on her own based out of her small shack in Diepsloot.  We’ve ministered and helped her on various occasions.  In this video clip she shares how she was instantly set free from the painful sores that surrounded her waist and stomach.

Woman transformed and set free

While out ministering in Diepsloot we came across a group of men who were drinking. One of them said we must go pray for another man’s wife, as she was very sick.

The man he was referring to, who was also there drinking, did not want us to do so and waved us away, but the other man came running after us and took us to her.

We arrived at her little shack and he told her we’d like to pray for her healing. She managed to barely get herself out of bed and in to a chair, with movements that seemed like agony for her at each slow step.

She explained she’d been unable to move without constant pain for months, and the doctors couldn’t explain why. She’d taken all kinds of medicine to no avail.

We told her not to worry, Jesus would set her free and we proceeded to command the pain to leave in Jesus’ name.

We instructed her to now stand up and walk, and as she did so, without the pain, she started weeping; she just couldn’t believe she was now able to move without pain.

Though she couldn’t manage to speak much as she was too busy weeping for joy and surprise, she did say that she previously felt like she “was in the valley of the shadow of death”.

She proceeded to pick up her baby and walk with her in her arms — something she hadn’t been able to do for a long time; as she did this, she continued weeping.

We pointed out how much Jesus loves and cares for her, and we left her with her baby in her arms.

The following week we came again to visit her and she was a completely different person; she was vibrant and full of strength and smiles with a light in her eyes.

There was no doubt that she was transformed — inside and out.

Sweet older man – eyes healed (VIDEO)

While walking between the shacks of Diepsloot I saw this sweet older man (in the video above) sitting on his bench. When asking if there’s anything we could pray for he said he couldn’t see very well. Things were blurry, he couldn’t see many things that were close, or far, etc.

In the name of Jesus, His eyes were restored after prayer and we gave him a Gospel of John which he read the title from (he couldn’t do this before). He was also admiring the homes and hills in the distance which he couldn’t see before.

There’s actually many people getting touched, healed, discovering God, etc… but once in a while I take a video.  Last Saturday a woman could barely see out of her eyes … she was set free as well.

So nice to see not only physical restoration, but the hope and love that is born in their soul as a result of knowing God loves and cares about them.

Diepsloot men healed – “Now I believe!” (VIDEO)

A couple of them just couldn’t believe what God did for them… they didn’t believe that God could or would heal them (out of joint fingers, three years of back and hip pains, shoulder injuries, etc.) — then they experienced it — and found faith and experienced a paradigm shift as a result. The love of God triumphs once again, and people discover He’s real and loves them. In the midst of the spiritual and physical poverty of Diepsloot, a bright light is shining — God’s love.

Flu healed (VIDEO)

This woman asked for prayer after suffering with her flu symptoms. God set her free. Here’s her testimony.

Hardness, drinking, fighting, trapped. Lives supernaturally touched with God’s love in Diepsloot.

Hardness and rejection melted by love.

While out sharing the good news with people who come to the weekly training in Diepsloot we came across a woman nursing her baby.  She was sitting on s step amongst a few other women and her facial expression was stone-cold and hardened.

We started talking with the group of women there but none really wanted prayer for anything.  We then struck up a conversation with this particular woman and she said she actually would like prayer.  When we asked for what in particular she said, “for life”.  She went on to say life in general was just full of difficulty.

So we proceeded to lay our hands on her shoulder and asked God to touch her with His love — for the Holy Spirit to flow in to her heart.  After a few moments she began to weep.  It was obvious the sorrow and deep disappointments in her life were surfacing and being washed away.

We proceed to pray with her to receive God’s love and salvation in Jesus, and to be filled with His Spirit.  The tears continued to flow and we repeatedly reassured her how much God loves her.  We invited her to meet again for fellowship, and by the time we got up to leave we could tell the peace and love of God had touched her in a deep way.

The amount of deep, dark experiences MANY people go through in Diepsloot can be hard for some to imagine who live in a completely different environment.  I can’t help but thank God to be able to go and manifest the love and light of God amidst such darkness and despair.

Groups of young men drinking … discover God.

Being a white guy walking around the shacks in Diepsloot tends to attract attention. One little kid saw me and ran away crying and scared — his father told me he’d never seen a white person!  (Actually, I’ve never seen a white person walking within the heart of Diepsloot either.  For that matter even some local residents fear to traverse in some parts where we regularly go.)

Anyway, it happens quite often that as I’m walking with some locals, groups of men (often drinking) tend to take notice and sometimes have ‘funny’ reactions.  More than once groups of young men have wanted me to come speak with them — obviously VERY curious as to what a white guy would be doing around there!  What starts off for them in an atmosphere of drinking and foolishness very often ends up with them asking for prayer against their drinking problems and for a changed-life, as the atmosphere becomes charged with the love and presence of God.  Many groups of men have proceeded to ask Jesus in to their lives and hearts as a result.  Strong men with shirts off to show their muscles, still under the influence of alcohol, have got on their knees and asked me to lay my hands on them and pray for God to help them change their lives (while wives throw their drugs to the ground to turn over a new leaf) — as they proceed to accept Christ and the salvation and deliverance He offers.

Fights, scars, and salvation.

One woman we met was also desperate to start a new life.  She showed me her scars from the night before when she was involved in a fight amongst an atmosphere of alcohol and drinking.

She said she felt completely trapped in her surroundings and circumstances and was very surprised when I adamantly shared with her the love of God and the reality that she could live a new life with Him.  She prayed to ask Jesus in her life, desperate to start a new life with Him.