Flu healed (VIDEO)

This woman asked for prayer after suffering with her flu symptoms. God set her free. Here’s her testimony.

Hardness, drinking, fighting, trapped. Lives supernaturally touched with God’s love in Diepsloot.

Hardness and rejection melted by love.

While out sharing the good news with people who come to the weekly training in Diepsloot we came across a woman nursing her baby.  She was sitting on s step amongst a few other women and her facial expression was stone-cold and hardened.

We started talking with the group of women there but none really wanted prayer for anything.  We then struck up a conversation with this particular woman and she said she actually would like prayer.  When we asked for what in particular she said, “for life”.  She went on to say life in general was just full of difficulty.

So we proceeded to lay our hands on her shoulder and asked God to touch her with His love — for the Holy Spirit to flow in to her heart.  After a few moments she began to weep.  It was obvious the sorrow and deep disappointments in her life were surfacing and being washed away.

We proceed to pray with her to receive God’s love and salvation in Jesus, and to be filled with His Spirit.  The tears continued to flow and we repeatedly reassured her how much God loves her.  We invited her to meet again for fellowship, and by the time we got up to leave we could tell the peace and love of God had touched her in a deep way.

The amount of deep, dark experiences MANY people go through in Diepsloot can be hard for some to imagine who live in a completely different environment.  I can’t help but thank God to be able to go and manifest the love and light of God amidst such darkness and despair.

Groups of young men drinking … discover God.

Being a white guy walking around the shacks in Diepsloot tends to attract attention. One little kid saw me and ran away crying and scared — his father told me he’d never seen a white person!  (Actually, I’ve never seen a white person walking within the heart of Diepsloot either.  For that matter even some local residents fear to traverse in some parts where we regularly go.)

Anyway, it happens quite often that as I’m walking with some locals, groups of men (often drinking) tend to take notice and sometimes have ‘funny’ reactions.  More than once groups of young men have wanted me to come speak with them — obviously VERY curious as to what a white guy would be doing around there!  What starts off for them in an atmosphere of drinking and foolishness very often ends up with them asking for prayer against their drinking problems and for a changed-life, as the atmosphere becomes charged with the love and presence of God.  Many groups of men have proceeded to ask Jesus in to their lives and hearts as a result.  Strong men with shirts off to show their muscles, still under the influence of alcohol, have got on their knees and asked me to lay my hands on them and pray for God to help them change their lives (while wives throw their drugs to the ground to turn over a new leaf) — as they proceed to accept Christ and the salvation and deliverance He offers.

Fights, scars, and salvation.

One woman we met was also desperate to start a new life.  She showed me her scars from the night before when she was involved in a fight amongst an atmosphere of alcohol and drinking.

She said she felt completely trapped in her surroundings and circumstances and was very surprised when I adamantly shared with her the love of God and the reality that she could live a new life with Him.  She prayed to ask Jesus in her life, desperate to start a new life with Him.

Shot, robbed, broken leg … healed

There were many people touched and healed on our last outreach in Diepsloot — but I want to share with you what God did for one particular woman.

We were finishing up with a group of ladies who were just freed from their various pains in their bodies after prayer when a woman from across the road called to us … so we went.

She started explaining about her daughter’s eye problem — which we proceeded to pray for.  She then mentioned the night before her family was held up by a group of armed robbers who stole everything they owned and shot her husband who was currently in the hospital. At this she started weeping and we were able to comfort her — letting her know how much Jesus loves her.

We proceeded to declare life and healing in Jesus name to her leg.  The pain disappeared and she was able to walk around with no pain whatsoever.  We repeated to her how much Jesus loves her and cares about her — enough to heal her leg. She couldn’t believe she was walking around when she couldn’t just moments before.

At this tangible proof of God’s reality and love we could tell she was visibly moved and much more at peace — that God is real, He cares about her and loves her.

We meet so many people in Diepsloot who feel there is no hope for them. They feel trapped in their circumstances and just can’t believe things could ever get better. It’s a joy and thrill, every time, to see God birth hope and love in someones life — just like He did with this woman whom He loves.

There’s more posts and audio teachings I need to put up. Will try and make them available soon!

Paradigm Shift – Living His Love and Power (AUDIO)

We are not called to think, perceive, and process things as people normally do — with human limitations — for we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16).  We are called to live and experience a higher dimension; a dimension where God’s Word dictates reality — where the Kingdom of Heaven is the final authority — where what we see with the eyes and perceive with our senses is subjugated to the reality, will, and love of God in action — thus changing lives and situations.  Faith, love, and the power of God should be the air in which we breath, not an isolated occurrence.

“For if we are out of our mind, it is for God; if we have a sound mind, it is for you. 14 For Christ’s love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: If One died for all, then all died. 15 And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised. 16 From now on, then, we do not know anyone in a purely human way. Even if we have known Christ in a purely human way, yet now we no longer know Him in this way. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:13–17 HCSB)

Check out the audio below of the class I taught in Diepsloot on the subject.  The first file is the full audio, the second is an excerpt.

Lungs and liver healed (VIDEO)

A woman came to one of our meetings in Diepsloot asking for prayer and healing in regards to problems with her liver and lungs.  She was scheduled for an operation, but it was no longer necessary after prayer.  She then wanted to come out that week with us to share the Gospel and heal the sick.  Here’s her testimony: