Healing sickness and disease in Diepsloot – the importance

Could be any of us growing up in Diepsloot.

Remaining healthy in Diepsloot can be challenging since many residents don’t have access to running water, proper sewage removal, medicine, nor can many afford to eat a nutritious and balanced meal. Then there is the plague of HIV and AIDS which ravage lives and spread not only amongst those making unhealthy lifestyle choices, but amongst the victims of those making those poor choices — innocent women and children. 

Untold numbers of men, women and children suffer debilitating sickness and disease in Diepsloot. Many (in a society in which 50% are unemployed) find themselves unable to properly provide for themselves or their families — and this is multiplied and compounded when the breadwinner is sick in bed and can’t get up to care for his or her family. Kids go hungry; a grandma caring for her grandchildren (because her son died of AIDS) can’t get up to take care of the kids, and the list goes on.

Why do I walk the streets of Diepsloot extending God’s personal, healing touch? I think the answer is clear. It’s vital to be healthy in order to even hope to scrape by within the context of the dire living conditions the residents of Diepsloot find themselves in. Beyond this, the encouragement and positive paradigm shift people experience when experiencing  supernatural healing lets them know they are loved — by God, as well as by someone who cares enough to bring them this kind of deliverance.  A bit of hope in the midst of adversity begins to shine through … a burst of light within a previous realm and experience of darkness.  People begin to see there’s more to life than the pain they’ve experienced, and that perhaps there’s even more to life than they’ve ever imagined — a reason and a purpose for it all.  Faith is born; faith that leads in to a relationship with the One who created them … and safely under the shadow of His wings, they find a security, love, and purpose that could not possibly come from any other source.

Friends in Diepsloot

The core issue is this: God Himself made provision for the healing (spiritual and physical) of all mankind within the context of what Jesus has provided and accomplished. (See Isaiah 53:4-5 and Matthew 8:16-17). God is in the business of setting people free from all forms of oppression (Luke 4:18-19) and this includes liberation from sickness and disease.  This deliverance is extended and proclaimed through the hands and faith of all who believe. (Mark 16:17-18) Let us never make the mistake of asking why God would allow sickness and disease. Rather, let us askourselves why WE allow it when God has furnished us with His power to eradicate it.

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you … I assure you: The one who believes in Me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these.”  — Jesus (John 20:21, John 14:12)

Looking into a grandmother’s relieved and peaceful eyes which just a few minutes before were marked with pain and suffering — perhaps I experience just a tiny bit of the love and joy that God Himself experiences every time someone is set free from this kind of pain and suffering — all made possible because of what He’s already accomplished through Jesus Christ.